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Getting to Give

God’s design for you is unique and you were created to fulfill a unique part of His Kingdom, including His Kingdom economy. In this blog post, Porch Lights sits down with Julie Wilson to learn more about Women Doing Well, an organization that “exists to activate women of influence to live lives shaped by God’s generosity.”

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There is Hope

Porch Lights has the deep pleasure of friendship with an amazing woman, Janice Allen, whose world was torn from the known and placed on a path she could never have imagined. Janice is the CEO/President of International Cooperating Ministries (ICM), the “Global Church Developer.” In this blog post, we share lessons and stories from our chat with Janice.

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FIRE & LIGHT in our Hearts

What a tumultuous time, a time for lamentation, a time for action and a time for boldness. There is a burning deep in the hearts of men and women.

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Welcome friends!

We are just so thrilled to welcome you to our new porch! As previously announced, seasons have changed for us and we are now a fully independent women's ministry with a new name and new look!

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